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Showing List for: State Government - Legislature


Short Title

Last Action

 HB2535 State government; providing requirement for introduction of legislation; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2557 State government; salaries of chief executive officers; providing maximum salary amount; effective date.       REF TO GENGOV (H)

 HB2653 Soldiers and sailors; prohibiting members of the Legislature from being employed or entering into contracts with certain private entities contracting or that have contracted with the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs; codification; effective date.       REF TO JUDIC (H)

 HB2663 Motor vehicles; special license plate; Former Oklahoma Legislator License Plate; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2746 State Legislature; making the State Legislature subject to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act and Oklahoma Open Records Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2770 State government; authorizing appointment or replacement of certain persons; codification; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2863 Civil procedure; requiring notice of legislative continuance by specified methods and within certain time frame; effective date.       REF TO JUDIC (H)

 HB2883 State government; salaries of chief executive officers; providing maximum salary amount; requiring legislative approval for increases in salary; effective date.       REF TO GENGOV (H)

 HB2895 State government; legislator misconduct; Attorney General; Legislature; retirement benefits; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3087 State government; creating the State Legislator Ethics Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3380 Elections; adding payment requirement for expenses of certain special elections; effective date.       REF TO ELECTION (H)

 HB3479 State government; allowing Legislators to return to certain employment; codification; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3585 State government; creating oversight division within the Legislative Service Bureau; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3590 Public finance; expenses of extraordinary legislative sessions; payments; effective date; emergency.       REF TO RULES (S)

 HCR1020 Legislature; setting sine die adjournment.       INTRODUCED (H)

 HJR1045 Oklahoma Constitution; revenue-raising measures; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1046 Oklahoma Constitution; revenue-raising measures; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1050 Oklahoma Constitution; revenue-raising measures; modifying voting requirement by legislature; ballot title; filing.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 HJR1052 Oklahoma Constitution; legislative sessions; appropriations; revenue estimates; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HJR1056 Constitutional amendment; clarifying language; ballot title; filing.       REF TO RULES (H)

 SB1207 State government; prohibiting use of public resources for certain lobbying activities. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB1517 Trauma-informed care; creating the Task Force on Trauma-Informed Care. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB1594 Public finance; recodifying certain provisions relating to Master Settlement Agreement compliance.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB875 Public finance; requiring certain legislation under specified circumstances. Emergency.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB876 Public finance; creating the Right Side Up Government Act of 2018; providing for transfer of certain funds and employees. Emergency.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB917 Rules of the Ethics Commission; modifying amount which lobbyist principal, legislative liaison or lobbyist may spend for certain purposes. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB918 Rules of the Ethics Commission; modifying information required to be disclosed by legislators. Effective date.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SB947 Elections; payment requirement for expenses of certain special elections; allowing for recovery.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SCR19 Concurrent resolution modifying deadline for third reading of certain measures.       SEC OF STATE

 SCR20 Resolution establishing legislative procedure schedule for 57th Oklahoma Legislature.       SEC OF STATE

 SCR21 Resolution providing for sine die adjournment of 2nd Session of 56th Oklahoma Legislature.       INTRODUCED (H)

 SCR22 Resolution providing for sine die adjournment of 2nd Session of 56th Oklahoma Legislature.       INTRODUCED (S)

 SJR40 Constitutional amendment; one subject requirement. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (H)

 SJR51 Constitutional amendment; allowing the Legislature to construct policy for certain institutions of higher education. Ballot title.       FAILED IN COMMITTEE (S)

 SJR59 Constitutional amendment; allowing a member of the Legislature to be employed as a certified teacher. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SJR62 Constitutional amendment; providing for legislative sessions in odd-numbered years. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SJR64 Constitutional amendment; establishing limit on compensation for members of the Legislature. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SJR65 Constitutional amendment; allowing legislator to be appointed as cabinet secretary. Ballot title.       MEASURE FAILED (S)

 SJR69 Constitutional amendment; authorizing Board of Legislative Compensation to meet upon certain event; authorizing suspension of compensation. Ballot title.       REF TO RULES (S)

 SR30 Resolution relating to protection of property and supplies of Senate during interim.       SEC OF STATE

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105